
Contact info
VISEO – Zi des marais – 76340 BLANGY-SUR-BRESLE
Abbeville (80100)
Oust-Marais (80460)
+33 (0)2 32 97 47 00 (head office)
mail :
Grégory Savidan
Managing Director
+33 (0)2 32 97 47 00
The training organisation of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, VISEO offers 200 training programmes for corporate employees and job-seekers.
A recognised player within the glassmaking industry, VISEO trains 200 people each year in glass sorting, quality control, packaging and glass decoration at its training workshop. Working in partnership with the businesses of la Glass Vallée, VISEO plays an active role in developing the skills of employees in the sector and in qualifying job-seekers looking to work in the industry.
Lines of Business / areas of expertise
- Glassmaking trades
- CACES (Driver Safety Certificate)/Handling/Logistics
- Safety/Risk Prevention
- Management
- Languages
Qualiopi (SGS-ICS) certification, CACES (AFNOR) Testing Centre, SST (INRS) accreditation, CNAPS (SGS-ICS) certification